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How to Use SMS Notifications to Boost Your Bookings

As a business owner, you know that managing bookings and appointments can be a time-consuming process. But, did you know that utilizing automated SMS notifications can help simplify this process and provide a better customer experience? In this article, we’ll discuss the difference between SMS marketing and email marketing, the benefits of SMS automation for bookings, what to know before sending SMS notifications, and the usefulness of user notifications and smart fields.

SMS Marketing vs Email Marketing – What’s the Difference?

Before diving into the benefits of SMS automation for bookings, it’s important to understand the difference between SMS marketing and email marketing. While both are digital marketing strategies that allow businesses to reach out to customers, there are key differences between the two. SMS marketing is a form of mobile marketing that involves sending text messages to customers, while email marketing involves sending promotional messages via email.

One of the main differences between SMS and email marketing is the open rate. Vastly surpassing email, 98% of SMS notifications are opened versus just 20% of emails. SMS messages also tend to have a higher click-through rate (CTR) and a faster response time than emails.

Sharefox sms

Why Use SMS Automation?

Using SMS automation for bookings can help streamline the process and provide a better customer experience. A great booking experience is seamless, simple, and feels human. Impress your customers by sending them personalized messages pertaining to their booking. Some of the benefits of SMS automation for bookings include:

Open Rates

As mentioned, SMS messages have a much higher open rate than emails. This means that your customers are more likely to see and engage with your message, increasing the chances of them booking or confirming their appointment.

Personalized Messages

SMS automation allows you to send personalized messages to your customers, making them feel valued and appreciated. By including their name, appointment time, and any relevant details, you can provide a seamless and convenient booking experience.

Cost-effective tool

SMS messages are typically a cost-effective tool, rendering them an affordable marketing strategy suitable for businesses of all sizes.


Using SMS automation allows you to include links that track your traffic and click-through rate (CTR). Understanding how your marketing plays into your customer’s online journey will help you drive more bookings and improve your overall marketing strategy.

The Benefits of SMS Automation for Bookings

SMS automation can provide several benefits for businesses that rely on bookings, appointments, and reservations. Here are four reasons we think it’s worth it:

Reduce No-Shows

Automated SMS reminders can help reduce no-shows and increase attendance at appointments. By sending a reminder message a day or two before the appointment, you can give your customers the opportunity to reschedule if necessary, reducing the chances of them missing their appointment altogether.

Improved Customer Experience

Providing a seamless and convenient booking experience is key to building customer loyalty and driving repeat business. Automated SMS notifications can provide your customers with the information they need, when they need it, creating a better overall experience.

Increased Efficiency

Using SMS automation can help you save time and resources by streamlining the booking process. Instead of manually sending reminders and confirmations, you can set it and forget it, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

Better Communication

Communication is key to providing a memorable customer experience. Using SMS automation allows you to communicate with your customers in real-time, providing updates and information that they need to know.

What to Know Before Sending SMS Notifications

While SMS automation can provide several benefits for businesses, it’s important to remember that gaining access to your customers’ cell phones is a privilege. A customer’s text message inbox is personal space, so show them you value their privacy by asking permission. Here are some things to remember:


  1. Obtain permission: Always ask for the customer’s permission before sending them SMS notifications. You can do this by adding a checkbox to your sign-up form that allows customers to opt-in or opt-out of receiving text messages from your business.
  2. Be clear and concise: When crafting your SMS messages, make sure they are clear, concise, and relevant. Avoid using industry jargon or complicated language that could confuse your customers.
  3. Timing is everything: Don’t send SMS messages during off-hours or at inconvenient times, such as late at night or early in the morning. Be respectful of your customers’ time and send messages at appropriate times.

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Get started using sms notifications with Sharefox rental software

For those who are new to the idea of using SMS notifications, Sharefox rental software is a great option to start with. This software provides a comprehensive platform for rental businesses, including automated SMS notifications that are customizable and easy to set up.

With Sharefox, you can:


  • Send reminders for scheduled returns or pickups
  • Provide important instructions for rentals before pickup
  • Send follow-up messages after returns
  • Send personalized order confirmations with smart fields

Use Smart fields 

Smart fields are a great way to personalize your messages with information that is relevant to each customer. For example, you can include the customer’s first name, order ID, and other details to make the message feel more personal.


Using automated SMS notifications is a simple yet powerful way to support your bookings and improve the customer experience. By leveraging the benefits of SMS, such as high open rates, personalization, low cost, and trackability, you can stay connected with your customers and provide them with the information they need to have a seamless booking experience.

However, it’s important to remember that gaining access to your customers’ cell phones is a privilege, and you should respect their privacy by asking for permission and providing value in return. With tools like Sharefox rental software, you can easily set up automated SMS notifications and personalize your messages with smart fields to provide the best possible experience for your customers.



Q1. How do I get started with using automated SMS notifications?

A1. You can start by choosing a rental software that provides this feature, such as Sharefox, and setting up the notifications according to your business needs.

Q2. What are the benefits of using SMS notifications for bookings?

A2. SMS notifications have high open rates, are personalized, cost less than other marketing channels, and are trackable.

Q3. How can I ensure that my customers give consent for receiving SMS notifications?

A3. You can include a checkbox in your booking form that allows customers to opt-in for SMS notifications and clearly state the value they’ll get from signing up.

Q4. What are smart fields, and how can I use them in my SMS notifications?

A4. Smart fields are personalized content that can be included in your SMS notifications, such as the customer’s first name, order ID, and other details. You can use them to make your messages more relevant and engaging.


What are you going to do now?

When you are ready… Here are 4 ways we can help you expand your rental business! 


  1. Do you want to grow your business today? Try Sharefox rental system for free – or book a demo and get a personal expert to analyze your company’s situation, come up with solutions on how you can streamline your methods and create a more profitable company.
  2. To learn more about the Sharefox rental system, read about trends and news for free, visit our blog or visit our resources section in the main menu. Here you can download guides and e-books that we also share with our customers.
  3. If you want to work with the circular economy and Saas and want to be part of the Sharefox team or find out why we are one of the fastest growing rental platforms in the rental industry, see our job postings here.
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